Formerly loved as: "Fukamushi Sencha"
This Fukamushi Sencha tea is harvested and refined in Shizuoka prefecture by a third generation tea maker, and is our founder's favourite afternoon tea. Steamed longer than traditional Senchas, this tea steeps to a full - bodied brilliant green, and features a deep oceanic umami flavour. Delicious with a sweet treat on the side, and incredible as a cold brew.
Traditional Preparation: Boil your kettle and set aside for five minutes or so, until the water temperature falls to around 180 degrees. If you don't want to wait, you can add some cool water to drop the temperature immediately. Measure 1 teaspoon of tea and add directly into a teapot. (A teapot with an integrated tea leaf filter is ideal) Pour 6-8 oz hot water on the tea leaves and allow to steep for 2 minutes. If you don't have an integrated leaf filter, pour tea through a fine mesh strainer into your teacup. Enjoy! This tea can be steeped twice.
Cold Brew Method: Add 1 Tablespoon of tea to a 1L glass pitcher. Fill will cool water and place in fridge for 24 hours. The tea leaves will slowly saturate and release their flavour, with zero bitterness. Serving tip: We love frozen peaches as an alternative to ice cubes in this iced tea.
100% natural ingredients: Green tea